St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

Cricket Carnival

Last Friday, all of our Year 4’s, 5’s and 6’s attended the T20 Interschool cricket carnival at Clayton Road Oval which was kindly organised by WACA. This was a wonderful end to the Cricket program that the students have been participating in over the last 4 weeks of school.

More than 20 teams came together and played some fantastic, friendly games with modified rules. The music pumped loudly and there were cool dance moves, awesome singing and graceful gymnastics that accompanied it.

Lots of firsts were celebrated: first wickets, first sixes, first catches and first hat-tricks. I was very impressed with the sportsmanship shown throughout the day towards their peers and the other teams.

A great big thank you to Pierre Maartens, Bevan George, Lisa Coombs, Jacob Mulcahy, Peter Hansen and Logan Batt. Days like these just can not happen without such support.

Congratulations to Madisyn (Yr 6) and Dylan (Yr 6) who won the lunchtime catching competition which added to the excitement of the day. Well done to everyone.

Linda Kilpatrick – PE Specialist


Pre-Primary Assembly

The Pre-Primary children presented a dramatization of the story “The Wheels of the Ute”. They then sang a couple of Aussie Songs. The children did a fabulous job on the big stage for their first assembly.

Year 2 and Year 3 Walking Excursion

On Monday the 15th November, Year 2 and Year 3 students went on a joint class walking excursion. The purpose of this excursion was to reinforce the local and Western Australian history that we learnt in class. We also learnt more about the history of our local Noongar people. We walked to the Centenary Pathway that follows the creek. We explored the tiles that are set into the pathway portraying important historical events for the area. We then visited the Narrogin Courthouse
Museum and walked a section of the Narrogin Heritage Trail and War Memorial.


Honour Certificates

Congratulations to all our Honour Certificate recipients. We are very proud of you.


Art Award

Congratulations to Clancy (Year 1) for receiving the Art Award for his magnificent cow drawing. We love it!

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