St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

First Holy Communion

A huge congratulations to our students who celebrated their First Holy Communion on Sunday 13 June. We continue to pray that Jesus will guide and shape your lives and that you would be nourished by this Sacrament.

The First Holy Communion candidates would like to thank all those who have been a part of this special day: the parents for all of the help and support they give them always, but especially during this time of preparation to receive Jesus in Holy Communion, the teachers and catechists for their help in preparing for this day and particularly Father Jayan, for his support and assistance in helping them to receive this special sacrament for the first time.

Karinya Play at Kindy

Our Kindy class and their Karinya friends spent time on Thursday exploring the 5 senses. They made binoculars for sight, moulded playdough for touch, made maracas for sound, and enjoyed some homemade cookies for smell and taste!

Joint Choir

Choirs from the surrounding schools joined St Matthew’s School Choir today for a One Big Voice Workshop in preparations for our upcoming RAC Arena performance.

Gerald Can’t Dance

Our Year 3’s put on an awesome assembly performance on Friday 11 June based on the book: “Gerald can’t dance”. This wonderful story teaches all of us to accept each other’s differences and to face challenges with confidence. Well done, Year 3.

Kindness Counts

Last Friday, our very kind Year 2’s put on an assembly focusing on the importance of kindness. What a great theme – thank you Year 2’s.

Book Fair Update

Our Book Fair last week was a fantastic success, thanks to the generosity of our families. The total amount of sales was $5417.50, with a percentage of this coming to our school to help fund our beautiful library and reading programmes. Mrs Ong would like to thank the following volunteers who helped over the course of the three days: Jodie George, Tina Kokich, Carmel McKenzie, Alex Dray, Adele Maartens, Anette de Waal, Rachel Pederick, Arati Warrier, Jodie Collins, Mel Noakes, Zeta O’Rourke, Melissa Grieve, Claire Blaney, Tegan Forrest, Caryn Tenney and Lerina Ballard. A sincere thank you to all of these volunteers and all of the families who supported the school by purchasing books through the fair.

Art Award

The Art Award for Week 9 went to Kaelani (Year 3) for a wonderful picture of the Northern Lights. Congratulations Lani – I love it!

Honour Certificates

Congratulations to all of our Honour Certificate recipients. We are very proud of you.

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