St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin


The Pre-Primary, Year 1 and Year 2 classes enjoyed a fantastic WaterFun Day whilst the rest of the school attended the swimming carnival. The children enjoyed various water rotations including water relays, water slide, bubbles and other water-based games. Everyone had a great time enjoying the water! Thank you to all the teachers and volunteers who assisted with setting up and packing away.

Ashleigh Evans
Year 1 Teacher

Art Award

The Art Award this week went to Lloyd (Year 1) for a joyful mixed media picture highlighting the important values of Harmony Week. Congratulations,  Lloyd.

Honour Certificates

Unfortunately, due to cancelling assemblies, there will be no Honour Certificates presented for the remainder of the term. We all know that part of the joy of receiving a certificate is having an important adult there to congratulate you. For this reason, we have decided to save these presentations until we can all come together to celebrate the children’s achievements.

Dog and Frog’s Birthday

There was great excitement at Kindy when Dog and Frog celebrated their birthday.

The children arrived to see a great big box sitting on the Kindy mat.  We had a wonderful discussion about what could be inside. We were feeling excited, happy, scared and we even learnt a new word – curious! The children suggested how to open the big box and then we counted to 5 and ‘Ta Da!’ – out came loads of colourful balloons for the children to enjoy.

We had birthday fun all day at Kindy. We made cakes with shaving cream, paint and playdough. We also made some yummy chocolate birthday cakes for Dog and Frog and ate them for afternoon tea. We counted, sang, danced and played.

Thank you, Dog and Frog, for a wonderful day.

Claire Graham
Kindy Teacher

Harmony Week

To celebrate Harmony Week, the Year 3 and 5 classes teamed up to write a joint narrative. Students in each class wrote their own orientation to a narrative and then swapped their introductions with the other class. Both classes came together to read their narratives to each other.

To finish off our Harmony Week activities, students created a Harmony Chain to represent inclusiveness, respect and belonging. 

Ben Quartermaine
Year 5 Teacher

Mathematics in Year 5

In Year 5, students have been working hard on learning the rules of area. Students measured the area of their shoes bases using different objects around the class.

Where’s the tree?

Many of you would have noticed that we had to unfortunately remove one of our large trees from the small grass area. This led to a flurry of questions from our beautiful, curious Year One students. Even better than their questions were the amazing responses to the main question “Where’s the tree?” :

I think the tree got chopped down because it probably had to go into a big machine to make some nice flat wood for someone to make a chopping board. – Izabelle

Maybe the tree got too big and it got turned into fire wood. – Jackson

Jordan thinks the tree will grow back.

Gianni and Mia think that it will get turned into a bed!!

Some of us even thought the tree might have gone to the Woolorama!

Ashleigh Evans

Year 1 Teacher

Faction Swimming Carnival

Wednesday, the 11 March 2020, started with a whirl of excitement as students from Years 3 to 6 walked to the Narrogin Leisure Centre for our Faction Swimming Carnival. A fun-filled, happy day was had by all who participated in a variety of swimming races and novelty games. We witnessed some impressive swimming and some very funny truck tyre floating techniques! This year, the Team Spirit trophy was won by McFall for the amazing sportsmanship demonstrated throughout the day. The overall trophy was won convincingly by Phelan. A big congratulations to all the swimmers from the first timer floaters to the outstanding pre-olympians. You were all admired for your different strengths. Thank you to all of the wonderful parent helpers who assisted on the day. It made the day relaxing and fun for all who attended. Thanks also to the P&F who provided families with their delicious lunches.

Unfortunately, the interschool event will not be held this year. This is very disappointing but deemed necessary. I am grateful that we had the opportunity to create special swimming memories from our own St Matthew’s carnival for 2020.

Linda Kilpatrick
P.E Specialist

School SMS

St Matthew’s School wishes to remind all our families that it is not possible to reply to our SMS system. The only way to contact the school directly is by phone, 9853 9500, or email, Teachers may be emailed directly via the email address supplied in the Term Overview letter. We apologise for any confusion that the past absentee SMS may have caused. This has now been corrected.

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