St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin


I would like to extend a huge thank you to our amazing P&F for organising our Welcome Back Sundowner last Friday. Despite the hot weather, we had a lovely turn out and it was so nice to see our St Matthew’s school community coming together to share holiday stories and welcome new families. A special thank you to Tarli Cooper and Mel Noakes for organising the much appreciated juice boxes and icey poles.

The Leadership Team

Ash Wednesday/Opening Mass

Due to Father Jay being away, our Opening Mass for 2020, will now be on Ash Wednesday on 26 February at 9.30am in the Church for all students. All family and friends are welcome.


Senior Badges

Our Year Six students have commenced the year very maturely, taking on their roles as senior students with confidence and enthusiasm. We will present them with their Senior Badges at the first school assembly on Friday 21 February at 9:30am.

Mr Mark Tenney and Mrs Colleen Quartermaine


Swimming Lessons Year 3 – 6

On Monday 17 February, students from Year 3 – 6 will commence a two-week program of swimming lessons. All these lessons have been scheduled in the afternoon:

12:30 – 1:10pm          Year 3 and Year 4

1:15 – 1:55pm            Year 5 and Year 6

Depending on the weather, students will either walk or travel by bus to the Narrogin Recreation Centre for these lessons. Information and enrolment forms were sent home with children on Friday 7 February. The cost of these lessons is $30.00. It would be appreciated if parents supplied this exact amount, or alternatively, pop into the Office to pay by EFTPOS.

Mr Mark Collins


Swimming Carnivals

The Faction Swimming Carnival for students in Years 3-6 will be held Wednesday 11 March at the Narrogin Leisure Centre. The Interschool Carnival will be on Thursday 26 March at the Williams Swimming Pool. More information will be made available closer to these dates. We invite any parents who are free to assist with either carnival to contact Mrs Kilpatrick.


School Musical

Please make note in your diary the 18th and 19th of September for our school musical, ‘Alice in Wonderland’. If you would like to be involved in set construction, prop making, sewing simple costumes or helping with choreography, please contact Fiona Hastie at school.  Thank you.

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