St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

Pre-Kindy in the BIG playground

Last week in Pre-Kindy, we went for a picnic at the big playground. We enjoyed eating our morning tea together, before having fun on the playground. We love exploring the big school and learning more about St Matthew’s School. It was a fantastic morning!   

Ashleigh Evans Pre-Kindy Teacher.

Lazarus Appearances Reported At St Matthew’s School!

In Religious Education, the Year 6’s read the scripture story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead after being in the tomb for a few days. With this event, Jesus demonstrated the importance of making and keeping good friends, where he put their needs before his own. The children broke into groups and dressed another group’s Lazarus in typical burial clothes of the time – swaddling bandages…aka toilet paper! The Lazaruses then had a race on the lawned area, signifying breaking free from death! There was lots of fun and frivolity, and hopefully the gospel message was embedded.


Year Five Arcade Games

Last week, the Year 5 class finished designing and making their arcade games, and so invited the Year 4 class to come in and play them.  The games functioned really well and Year 5 students should be very proud of their efforts.  The Year 4’s seemed to really enjoy the games with some great comments on their feedback survey sheets.

Cricket Carnival

On Thursday 28th November 2019, all of our Year 4’s, 5’s and 6’s attended the T20 Interschool cricket carnival at Thomas Hogg oval which was kindly organised by WACA. This was a wonderful end to the Cricket program that the students have been participating in over the last 4 weeks of school.

More than 20 teams came together and played some fantastic, friendly games with modified rules. The music pumped loudly and there were cool dance moves, awesome singing and graceful gymnastics that accompanied it.

Lots of firsts were celebrated: first wickets, first sixes, first catches and first hat-tricks. I was very impressed with the sportsmanship shown throughout the day towards their peers and the other teams.

A great big thank you to Bruce Sewell and Bevan George who yet again gave up their day to come and help coach. Days like these just can not happen without such support.

Congratulations to St Matthew’s Boys Team 2 which took out the overall win. Congratulations also to Hamish (Yr 6) who won the lunch time catching competition which added to the excitement of the day. Well done to everyone.

Linda Kilpatrick
PE Specialist

Christmas Pixie Post

The Pixies have arrived!! The Pixie Post Elves have set their mail box up outside Pre-Primary for everyone to post Christmas Cards.

Please remember to put your friend’s name and grade on the front of your envelope to ensure a safe delivery. Cards are not to contain any gifts or sweets; a simple sticker or well wish note may be put in your card for your friends. The Pixies will withhold any cards with treats, and they will be returned to sender at the end of the day. Get your cards in quickly, as the Elves will be delivering until Wednesday 11th December.


Student Reports – Pre-Primary to Year 6

Teachers have been busy assessing and reporting for Semester Two. Reports will be available to parents via the school portal (SEQTA Engage) on Tuesday 10th December. The Semester Two Report will provide you with an assessment of your child’s progress and development across all subject areas. If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, please make an appointment to speak with your teacher. To access your child’s report, it is imperative that we have your current email address and you know your SEQTA Engage password. If you need to update any of this information, please advise the front office.


Enrolments 2020

The planning process for enrolments received for 2020 (Pre-primary to Year Six) has now commenced. If you are not returning to St Matthew’s in 2020, can you please email this information to: Please note, it is not a requirement for advice regarding the current year six students. Your attention to this matter, at your earliest convenience, will be appreciated.


Term Dates

Friday 13 December – The last day of the 2019 school year for students

Monday 3 February –Students commence Term 1.

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