St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

Interschool Athletics

Last Friday, 60 St Matthew’s students from Years 1 -6 travelled to Thomas Hogg Oval to compete against local schools in the Inter-school Athletics Carnival. Students represented their school well with amazing encouragement, support and team spirit throughout the day.  

They competed in an assortment of events including distance races, sprints, flag races, relays and team ball games.  Student’s from St Matthew’s won some events, lost some events and came somewhere in between. Events like these help to build several life skills for students including pushing your limits, competition nerves are good, confidence, how to lose, gracious winning, teamwork, discipline and the importance of practice. 

The hot weather didn’t stop students from having a wonderful time and trying their hardest. A huge thank you to Mr and Mrs George who kindly purchased icy poles for all the children after lunch. Another big thank you to Michelle Batt and Annett De Waal for volunteering their time to sit on the score desk all day – events like these cannot happen without parent help and we appreciate your kindness so very much!

Results for the day were:

4th St Matthew’s
3rd Williams
2nd East Narrogin
1st Narrogin Primary School

4th Narrogin Primary School
3rd St Matthew’s
2nd East Narrogin
1st  Williams

15 Records were borken on the day.

Congratulations to Matthew George, Chelsea Richards, Bryce Pauley and Evan Hardie who were all medal winners on the days.

Linda Kilpatrick
Physical Education Specialist

Student Reports – Pre-Primary to Year 6

Teachers have been busy assessing and reporting for Semester Two. Reports will be available to parents via the school portal (SEQTA Engage) on Tuesday 10th December. The Semester Two Report will provide you with an assessment of your child’s progress and development across all subject areas. If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, please make an appointment to speak with your teacher. To access your child’s report, it is imperative that we have your current email address and you know your SEQTA Engage password. If you need to update any of this information, please advise the front office.


Enrolments 2020

The planning process for enrolments received for 2020 (Pre-primary to Year Six) has now commenced. If you are not returning to St Matthew’s in 2020, can you please email this information to: Please note, it is not a requirement for advice regarding the current year six students. Your attention to this matter, at your earliest convenience, will be appreciated.


Annual General Community Meeting 2019

Our Annual Community Meeting takes place at 6.30pm on Tuesday 26 November in the school library. At this meeting our P&F and School Board will present their reports and staffing for the 2020 school year will be announced. There is no general business discussed at these meetings and hospitality is provided after the meetings. Both these committees carry out important work at St Matthew’s and their efforts enhance the learning of every student at St Matthew’s. There are no vacancies on the School Board for the 2020 school year, however nominations are required for the P & F Committee. Nominations for the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Committee Members are required. Please put this date in your diary. We look forward to your presence at this important AGM.


Focus on Reading

How to read with your child
For most of us, reading aloud isn’t part of everyday life, so the thought of reading a story to your child may be a bit daunting. But don’t let this put you off – your children will be enjoying themselves too much to criticise your performance!

How should I read to my child?

  • As you read to your child, bring the characters to life – talk about the characters, the drawings and the events so that the story starts to come alive.
  • Don’t be afraid to try different voices or try out your acting skills. While you may not win an Oscar, your child will enjoy your performance and appreciate the story even more.
  • Remember that your face says it all – so exaggerate your normal expression times three like a children’s TV presenter: children will love it.
  • Emphasise repeated words and phrases (‘the big bad wolf ’; ‘… blew, and blew, and blew the house down’). In this way, your child starts to learn the language used in books. Encourage your child to say the words with you.
  • Turn off the television and concentrate on enjoying the book.
  • Try audio books that children can listen to on the car stereo, on computers or phones – this is a great way to build a child’s understanding of stories and improve their listening.

How often should I read to my child, and how long for?

  • Be guided by how long they will listen. For younger children this may be quite short periods of time, while slightly older children may be readier to listen for longer.
  • As for how often, there’s no right answer, but many experts suggest a routine helps. For school-age children, a bedtime story can be a nice way for you to spend a small amount of time together and wind down after a busy day. For pre-school children, shorter bursts of reading throughout the day may be a good idea but, again, be guided by how long your child will listen.


SunSmart Tips

Sun exposure can lead to skin cancer and other forms of skin and eye damage later in life. Remember to Slip! Slop! Slap! Seek! Slide!

Layer sunscreen on thickly 20 minutes before going out into the sun and reapply sunscreen every two hours. Do not rub it in! 

There is no such thing as wind burn! Wind may dry your skin, but it will not burn it. Remember to Slip! Slop! Slap! Seek! Slide! when the UV Index is 3 or above.

Ultraviolet radiation can penetrate clouds so do not be fooled when it’s overcast. Protect yourself from the sun when the UV Index is 3 or above. 

Cancer Council Western Australia says: Be SunSmart!

  • Slip on a shirt
  • Slop on sunscreen
  • Slap on a hat
  • Seek shade
  • Slide on some sunglasses

Use a combination of these sun protection measures outside when the UV Index is 3 or above.

Use an SPF 30 or higher broad-spectrum water-resistant sunscreen. Always apply sunscreen thickly and do not rub it in!

Instead of a baseball cap use a broad brimmed, bucket or legionnaire style hat which protects your ears and back of the neck from sun burn and skin damage.


Term Dates

Friday 13 December – The last day of the 2019 school year for students

Monday 3 February –Students commence Term 1.

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