St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

School Vision

St Matthew’s School empowers children to embrace life-long learning and grow and develop as God intends.


Advent Prayer

Father, it’s that wonderful time of year again.
We are preparing to celebrate your Son’s birthday soon.
We are preparing our home, our gifts and our food.
Help us to remember to prepare our hearts.
Help us in all our busyness to remember it’s your Son
We are getting ready for.
Help us help a friend, keep a promise, or visit someone lonely.
Come Lord Jesus. We need you.


Dear Parents and Carers

We thank all families who have supported our Christmas Appeal. The gift of giving teaches children how to serve the community and reminds us how fortunate we are. At the Thanksgiving Mass, the gifts will be presented to St Vincent de Paul to support the locals during the Christmas Season.

Christmas Concert

It was lovely to see so many families attend our Christmas Concert and family picnic on Wednesday evening. The items encompassed a wide variety of performance techniques which included the use of song, sign language, Aboriginal language, rap, the use of instruments, movement and performances by our Band and Choir. A big thank to Mrs Hastie for coordinating this event and to all staff, for their preparation. Such a wonderful way to celebrate this Christmas season.

School Climate Survey

The final reports of our National Schools Improvement (NSI) School Climate Survey have been received following our survey in Term 3.  There were overwhelmingly positive responses by staff, parents and students across all aspects of the survey.

This year at St Matthew’s, staff have worked tirelessly to promote resilience and positive behaviours. A review of our Behaviour Management Policy, with a focus on building resilience and promoting well-being, has ensured that all students feel safe at our school.  This positive culture was recognised in our 2019 school climate parent data with the following summary:

Parent Survey data:

  • 97% commented the school has high expectations of student behaviour
  • 99% of parents commented the school is safe
  • 91% commented the school minimises disruptive behaviours
  • 98% reported that the school provides a stimulating, challenging and creative activities to assist learning
  • 91% reported their children are progressing emotionally, socially and academically at the school
  • 96% commented staff go out of their way to help
  • 97% commented the staff are approachable
  • 100% commented the school is welcoming
  • 96% felt comfortable to approach the staff with a grievance
  • 96% commented that communication was good between the school and the parent
  • 96% would recommend the school to others

A big thank you to all our staff, students and families for their productive work in making our school a wonderful place to work, learn and play.


Mini Vinnies Concert

The tenth anniversary of the Mini Vinnies Concert was celebrated in style at the Thornton Theatre last Sunday afternoon. $235 was raised which goes towards the St Vincent de Paul.  A variety of talent was showcased by performers of various ages and included song, dance and musicians. A big thank you to Sr Sahaya for organising this event in conjunction with St Vincent de Paul Narrogin. It was a wonderful success with participation by present and past students; several of which returned to the stage after participating in the very first concert ten years ago. On behalf of the Parish and St Matthew’s School, we thank you for all your support.


Thanksgiving and Graduation Mass/Volunteers Morning Tea

Please join us for our end of year Thanksgiving & Graduation Mass next Wednesday 11 December at 9.30am in St Matthew’s Church. Christmas donations will be presented to St Vincent de Paul and our incoming Year 6 Leaders will be announced. Mass will be followed by a morning tea to thank all our volunteers who have generously given of their time to help in classrooms, listen to students read, assist with sporting events, canteen, excursions, involvement in P & F, School Board and in many other ways. If you have helped us during 2019 in any capacity, please allow us to show you our appreciation at this morning tea.


Year 6 Graduation

Our Year Six students have their Graduation next Wednesday evening in Sr Isabel Library. These students have embraced every opportunity to enhance and build their leadership skills, and have contributed enthusiastically to all aspects of school life. We wish them well as they continue their learning journey.


Thank you

As students approach their last week of the 2019 school year, we acknowledge we have much to be thankful for. I would like to once again acknowledge the passion and dedication of the staff of St Matthew’s School and commend them on their continued efforts in ensuring that students are developed as whole Christian persons within an inclusive and welcoming community. I would like to say a special thank you to Sr Sahaya for her wonderful pastoral presence in the school and for the outreach of many of our St Matthew’s families. I would like to thank our School Board, P & F, Father Jayan, the Servite Sisters, the Parish, our Canteen helpers and everyone for their support throughout the year.

This year we farewell staff who are moving on to new challenges. I would like to acknowledge and thank Mrs Karen Evans as she takes twelve months leave, and Miss Courtney Mowatt who returns to Perth, for their enthusiasm and passion for teaching, and for their contribution to the school community. We wish them well for the future.

God bless

Natalia Thomson

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