St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

School Vision

St Matthew’s School empowers children to embrace life-long learning and grow and develop as God intends.



Father in heaven,
we the family of our school,
ask you to unite us all in love, truth and courage.
We want to learn the ways that Jesus taught us.
Give us the courage to live good lives.
Help us to treat each other as special members of our school and parish community.
Create a closer bond between pupils, teachers, parents and friends.
Give us pride in our school, and may our school always be proud of us.
We thank you for being our Father who gives us life and love.
Help us always to live as your children.


Dear Parents and Carers

Congratulations to Mrs Sue Milton on her appointment as Principal of St Matthew’s School commencing 1 January 2020. Sue is well known by parents and the wider community for all the wonderful work she has done, and is continuing to do at our school, as Assistant Principal. Sue is also an active member of our Parish community organizing Children’s Liturgy and contributing as Vice Chair on the Parish Pastoral Council.

Interschool Athletics

On Wednesday morning students represented our school at the Interschool Athletics Jumps and Throws. A big thank you to all students for their participation and sportsmanship and to Mrs Kilpatrick, Mr Tenney and Mrs Allington for assisting on the day. Best wishes to all the students in the Interschool Team who head off to Thomas Hogg Oval this Friday, for another day of competition representing St Matthew’s.

Prayer Service Pre-primary

The joy that radiated from the students in Pre-Primary as they participated in their prayer service last Tuesday, was evident in their smiles and in the way, they sang their lovely songs. The theme of the prayer service was ‘Family.’ Students were asked to make a family flower with their handprints and their family was asked to write a loving message about their child on them. Pre-primary students also painted a family portrait, sang songs and used percussion instruments. Parents were invited to dance with their children to a song titled ‘One Family’.  A big thank you to Mrs Prideaux and Sr Sahaya for preparing our littlies and to all our wonderful parents and grandparents for attending.

Year 3 & 4 Mass

Our Year 3 & 4 students celebrated Mass on Thursday morning. The theme was ‘True Friendship’ and focused on true friendship as a wonderful gift.  Students were reminded that we can share our good times and sad times with our friends as true friends care for each other. A big thank you to Mr Collins, Mrs Allington and Miss Mowatt for their preparation, and to our students for participation in the Mass.

Fee Reminder

As we are coming to the end of the school year, we would like all fees to be paid in full no later than the 29 November 2019.

Statement reminders were sent to all families with outstanding balances at the beginning of the term (with the exception of those families paying via Direct Debit). Statements will be sent out again at the end of this week. If you need to discuss your balance, please don’t hesitate to make an appointment to discuss. Please note: This reminder does not apply to those families who have elected to pay via Direct Debit.

Quiz Night

Our St Matthew’s School Quiz Night is being held this Saturday night 9 November. A big thank you to the organizing committee and to all parents for sending in contributions for prizes. It promises to be a wonderful evening with lots of fun and laughter.

May God bless your week

Natalia Thomson

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