St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

School Vision

St Matthew’s School empowers children to embrace life-long learning and grow and develop as God intends.



Thank you, God, for my children.
I know they are a gift from you.
Each day I need your strength
and wisdom to guide them
on the right path.
Give me patience and a joyful heart.
Let me be an example of your love
and forgiveness.
Thank you, God, for the honour
and privilege of being a parent.


Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back to school after the holidays. It was lovely to see all the smiles as students returned to school on Monday. There was a lot of excitement about the activity on the oval as the trucks arrived to bring more sand to finish of the areas around the new play equipment. By Tuesday morning, all work was completed and students had the opportunity to use the play equipment for the first time. A big thank you to Mrs Dyke and Mrs DÁlton for sourcing the equipment and to you, our parents, for the contribution from your Parents and Friends fundraising efforts.

Vi Barham Awards

We are excited to announce that two of our Year 6 students have been named finalists in the 2019 Vi Barham Awards of Excellence. Hamish Sewell and Haizelmary Ani Jacob will now attend an interview to see if they have won this prestigious award. Each finalist is given a $100 award, while the winner takes home the $2500 prize. The award for excellence is named after the Upper Great Southern’s “Mother of Education”, Vi Barham. Mrs Barham dedicated 23 years of her life to education in the region, serving as the school regional office sectary from 1963. Congratulations Hamish and Haizelmary!

Sacrament of Penance

Students in Year 3 are preparing to receive their First Reconciliation. We are looking forward to the Commitment Mass and Parent/Student workshop on Sunday 28 October for those students receiving the Sacrament for the first time. Please keep these students in your prayers.


On Tuesday 29 October we will be raising money for Catholic Missions Australia by participating in ‘Socktober’.  Students may wear a crazy/funny/silly/colourful pair of socks with their sports uniform for a gold coin donation.

School Board

The next meeting is on Monday 21October in the Staff Room.  In November, we will be calling for nominations for a new Board Member for 2020.  Please consider if this is something you would like to be part of, being involved with the school, sharing your gifts and talents with our community.

Narrogin Show

Students of St Matthew’s will be displaying work at the Narrogin Show this Saturday 19 October and our One Big Voice Choir will be performing on the oval at 10.30am. Please come along and support our community at this annual event.


Three of our students, Lucas (Year 6), Matthew (Year 2), Samuel (Kindy) recently experienced the passing of a grandparent. May they always hold fond memories of their loved one with them. Please keep the Grieves and Tenney families in your prayers.

School Faction Sports Carnival

Our School Athletics Carnival will be on next Thursday 24 October with the weather forecast looking good for the day.  Jumps and throwing events will held on Tuesday 22 October and the 800m will be run on Wednesday morning.   Lunch order forms will be sent home early next week. Parents and friends are welcome to order as well.  We look forward to a great day, celebrating team spirit and providing opportunities for students to compete and have fun.

May God bless your week

Natalia Thomson

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