St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

School Vision


St Matthew’s School empowers children to embrace life-long learning, and grow and develop as God intends.


This prayer is chosen to acknowledge Mothers’ Day:

When our mothers are tired, Lord, give them strength.
When they feel alone, give them comfort.
When they feel overwhelmed with the challenges of parenting, help them to know peace.
In their darkest moments, be their Light.
At times in our lives, our mothers are everything to us, meeting our every need.
We ask You to provide them today with whatever gift they need.
In gratitude, we pray.


Dear Parents & Carers,


I hope all of our amazing Mums and female role models had a wonderful Mothers’ Day. It was so lovely to see so many of our wonderful women join us for the morning tea on Friday. Please look at the School News section of this newsletter to see some beautiful photos.


Combined Sacrament Commitment Mass

This Sunday, 14 May, all candidates who are receiving sacraments in 2024 must attend the Combined Commitment Mass at 9:30am in the St Matthew’s Parish. This Mass is for parents to commit to supporting their children in their preparation for Reconciliation, First Holy Communion or Confirmation. If parents are unable to attend, they will need to contact Father Abraham. It is important to remember that the Sacraments are Parish-based events, although St Matthew’s School assists in the preparation of candidates. The commitments are a diocesan requirement, for both students and parents, if they wish to receive the Sacraments. 

The Sacraments Schedule can be viewed on the school app by selecting the year level.

First Holy Communion Important Dates

For those students who are Catholic and receiving the Sacrament of First Holy Communion this year, please see the Sacraments Schedule with key dates and times that has been uploaded to the school app.

To enrol your child to receive the Sacrament of First Holy Communion, please complete the online form via:

Wear Orange Wednesday (WOW Day) on 22 May

St Matthew’s School is welcoming the opportunity to engage with and support the local SES volunteers through the celebration of Wear Orange Wednesday (WOW Day) on 22 May 2024.

WOW Day is an event across Australia, dedicated to acknowledging and thanking SES volunteers for their unwavering commitment and assistance during flood, storm, and various emergency situations. It’s a day when the nation dons orange attire as a symbol of gratitude and support for these individuals.

To make this year’s WOW Day impactful, students are invited to wear orange on Wednesday 22 May. This initiative aims to not only spread awareness about the vital work of SES volunteers, but also to foster a sense of community and civic responsibility among our students.

Additionally, SES volunteers will be presenting an interactive showcase for Year 2 and Year 3 students. This will introduce these children to what SES do, the importance of being prepared for emergencies, and how we serve and protect our communities.

Road Safety

In order to ensure that all of our beautiful St Matthew’s students are kept safe when travelling to and from school, the Leadership Team feel it is vitally important to clarify the parking rules at St Matthew’s School. Obviously our number one priority is the safety of our children. 

School-side of Glyde Street – Bus Zone

This is strictly a no-stopping area before and after school. When crossing Glyde Street, parents are not to walk between buses. Glyde Street must be crossed at the corner of Fathom Street, where there is a staff member present.  No children will be allowed to cross any roads without an adult. 

Vacant Block on Glyde Street 

This block can be used as a car park for both parents and staff. When parking in this area, parents must get out of the car and collect their child/children from the gate on Fathom Street. Glyde Street must be crossed at the corner of Fathom Street, where there is a staff member present. No children will be allowed to cross any roads without an adult. 

Fathom Street 

Parents are able to park on the opposite side of Fathom Street. Once again, no children will be allowed to cross any roads without an adult. 

No Parking Areas 

  • Senior Citizens Centre – this includes ensuring that their driveway is kept clear 
  • “Kiss & Drop” area 
  • School side of Glyde Street – designated bus area 
  • Earl Street Doctor’s Surgery – this includes ensuring that their driveway is kept clear


Kindy/Pre-Primary Gate

With the K/PP Playground almost finished, parents are now welcome to use the Kindy/PP gate to enter in the morning and exit at the end of the school day. Please remember that this gate will be locked during the school day.

Book Fair

St Matthew’s Book Fair will run from Monday 6 June to Tuesday 11 June. This is our main Library Fundraiser for the year:

  • Thursday 6 June 2024     8:30- 9:30am;  2:45 – 3:15pm
  • Friday      7 June 2024     8:30 – 9:30am;  2:45 – 3:15pm
  • Monday 10 June 2024     8:30 – 9:30am;   2:45 – 3:15pm
  • Tuesday 11 June 2024    8:30 – 9:30am;   2:45 – 3:15pm

A Walk Through Disney Musical Showcase Costumes

Last week, all students were given a letter regarding the costumes for this incredible event. This is also available on the school app by selecting your child’s year level.  If your child could please bring their costume, to their classroom teacher, in a labelled plastic bag by the beginning of Week 7 (Monday, May 27th) that would be greatly appreciated.

Please do not hesitate to email Meka McCormack ( if you have any queries or suggestions.

Play Cafe – full for 16 May

The first Play Cafe for 2024 will be held on Thursday, 16 May, 8:30 – 10:30 am in our Kindy. 

Play Cafe is for children under 5 years old. Parents stay to enjoy the company and assist with supervision. Claire Graham will be running these sessions each Thursday for 6 weeks. 

As there are numerous families that have indicated that they would like to attend, it is very important that parents contact the school to secure the places for their child/ren each week.


Class performance assemblies will commence this term:

Term 2 

Wk 6 24 May Yr 3 Assembly 

Term 3 

Wk 4 9 August Yr 5 Assembly 

Wk 6 23 August Yr 1 Assembly  

Wk 8 6 Sept.    PP Assembly  

Term 4 

Wk 2 18 October Yr 6 Assembly 

Wk 4 1 November Yr 2 Assembly 

Wk 6 15 November Yr 4 Assembly 


Teaching Vacancies for Semester 2, 2024

We will, unfortunately, be farewelling Miss Meka McCormack at the end of this term. This means we have  vacancies for a Music/Performing Arts Teacher (2 days a week), a Science/STEM Teacher (2 days a week) and a Yr 3 Teacher (1 day a week.) Please see the link below for more details.


Teaching Positions Semester 2 2024

Lego & Chess Club

We would love to run both a Chess and a Lego Club for Years 1 to 6  this year. In order to achieve this, we are asking if there are members of the community who would be willing to donate their time and expertise. Ideally the clubs would run one day a week from 12:45 to 1:20pm, or in the mornings, 8:30- 9:00am. If you are interested, please email



Important Dates

  • Sun19/05 Combined Sacrament Commitment Mass 9:30am
  • Thurs 30/05 First Holy Communion Parent/Child Workshop 3:30pm
  • Fri 31/05 Pupil-Free Day
  • Mon 3/06 WA Day Public Holiday
  • Fri 7/06 Interschool Cross Country Selected students Yrs 4 – 6
  • Sun 16/06 First Holy Communion
  • Thurs 20/06 Interschool Winter Carnival Yrs 4 – 6
  • Fri 28/06 Last Day Term 2
  • Tues 16 July First Day Term 3


Have a wonderful week,

Susan Milton




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