St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

School Vision


St Matthew’s School empowers children to embrace life-long learning, and grow and develop as God intends.


This prayer is chosen to recognise Fathers’ Day:



Dear Parents & Carers,

Habari!     Hallo!     Sannu!     Shani!     Jambo!


This week at St Matthew’s, we are exploring Africa. A big thank you to Erick Memba, Anette De Waal and Hildah Nyemba who are visiting us this week to help us learn more about the many cultures of Africa.

Celebrating Dads Breakfast Friday 8 September

Hopefully, all of our father-figures have received their personal invitation to the P&F Celebrating Dads Breakfast being held on 8 September. If not, please check your child’s bag. 




‘Our Story’ Fence Pickets

A template went home to all our new families on Friday. These templates can be used to design the picket.  Families can then choose to either paint their pickets at home, or come to St Matthew’s on Tuesday 5 September at 1:30pm to complete their picket with their children.


Interschool Athletics Carnival

This week, only parents of selected competitors from Year 1 to Year 6, will receive a note containing information about the Interschool Athletics Carnival. The students may be participating in either jumps or throws on Tuesday 12th September and/or the main carnival on Friday 15th September. A program will be sent home with your child, highlighting their events. Some children will attend both days, while others are only required to attend one of the days.

Both days will start at 9.30 am at Thomas Hogg Oval. Notified competitors will travel by bus, leaving St Matthew’s School at approximately 9 am, and returning to school by bus at the conclusion of all events.

If you are able to assist us on either day, please let me know as soon as possible. Your help is greatly appreciated.


Great Southern Network STEM Showcase on Thursday 14th of September

Students in Years 3 and 4 will participate in the Catholic Education WA (CEWA) Great Southern Network Stem Showcase on Thursday 14th of September at St Patrick’s School, Katanning. The event aims to promote learning in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. Students in Years 3 and 4 from Catholic Primary Schools across the Southwest will present their knowledge and learning through interactive and engaging displays and presentations.

In class, in Years 3 and 4 students have been eagerly working in groups to design, build and present their displays based on their chosen project. St Matthew’s families will be able to view these displays at our Open Day on 21 September, 2:30 – 4:30 pm.


Family Challenge – Have You Started Your Book?

A big thank you to Mataya for sharing some of the pages of her book “When Dad Was A Boy”, a story based on her dad’s experiences growing up in New Zealand.

I hope many other families have commenced work on their picture books based on their family history and culture. Please see previous newsletters for more information.


St Matthew’s Feast Day 21 September

Thank you to the families who have offered to to be part of our Cultural Afternoon Tea. We would love as many families as possible to come and help us celebrate St Matthew’s Day. If you are able to supply a culturally inspired dish, please use the link below to help us with planning:


Parents would need to supply a list of ingredients with each dish to ensure we protect our students and staff with food allergies. Families would only need to supply a small plate of cultural delights to share. 

Date: 21 September

Time: 2:30 – 4:30pm


St Matthew’s Open Day 21 September 

Parents are welcome to invite any community members, friends, neighbours, or family members to attend our Open Day on 21 September. This is an opportunity to showcase our beautiful school, visit classrooms, enjoy some cultural afternoon tea and celebrate our Feast day.


The Night of the Notables

The Night of the Notables is a major inquiry learning project that our Enrichment students have been completing this term. It is based on the assumption that we all need our heroes. While students research a notable person, they are encouraged to work autonomously, learn research skills, practise role modelling skills and search for deeper studies.

The Night of the Notables culminates in an evening of kaleidoscopic delight at which our parents and families are introduced by the students to the highlights and fascinating detail of many notable people throughout history .


Returning Library Books Tuesday 20 September

Parents are reminded that all Library Books must be returned during Week 10 Library lessons. Time to look under the bed and behind the lounge!!


Kindy Enrolments

I will commence conducting Kindy interviews for 2024 in Week 7 of this term. These interviews give families an opportunity to learn about our Kindy curriculum and school procedures. More importantly, it provides us with an opportunity to welcome new families into our community. If you know of any families ready to send their little people to Kindy, please encourage them to pop into the Office to pick up an enrolment pack.


Important Dates

  • STEM Showcase Yrs 3 & 4 14 Sept 
  • St Matthew’s Feast Day/ Open Day 21 Sept
  • End of Term 3 22 Sept
  • First Day Term 4 10 Oct



Principal Focus –  10 More Minutes

Fathers’ Day is obviously the perfect time to spoil our dads. I also think it is a perfect time to reflect on the role of being a dad and to stop and think about what an important job this is. 

The Fathering Project is an evidence-based organisation that aims to promote positive fathering behaviours and fathers’ engagement with their infants, preschool, primary school and adolescent-aged children. One of the ways they achieve this goal is through their website:


Amongst its many articles and fathering stories, are resources focused on the concept of  10 More Minutes: A Father’s Gift of Time:


Those 10 extra minutes each day are more than just minutes – they’re an investment in your child’s future.


Research shows that quality time with dad contributes to emotional well-being, improves learning and academic results, boosts self-esteem, and even enhances cognitive development. It’s not just about being present; it’s about being present with purpose. It doesn’t matter how old your child is, whether they are a toddler or a teen – quality time is important to them.


Dr Bruce Robinson, the founder of the Fathering Project, makes three very important points in the 90 second videclip Spend 10 more minutes of quality time with your kids:


  • Make a Dad date – children appreciate it if you make an effort 
  • Plan the 10 minutes – a bike ride, walk, chess game etc
  • Be intentional – put down the phone, turn off the television
  • It’s not about talking – its about listening. Resist the urge to give advice.


As we all know, the time that you’re kids want you around, goes in the flicker of an eye – I strongly recommend that we all do the best we can to just give 10 minutes more to our beautiful kids. There is nothing to lose, and so much to gain. As Justin Coulson (Happy Families) so aptly puts:


To a child, love is spelt TIME


Happy Fathers’ Day to all of our important male role models!

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