St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

School Vision


St Matthew’s School empowers children to embrace life-long learning, and grow and develop as God intends.


This week’s prayer has been chosen for Remembrance Day:

God of justice and peace,
we pray for those who have been injured
or disabled through war.
For those who have lost homes
and security through conflict;
for those who have lost loved relatives in wars;
for those who face danger and take risks for peace;
for all those, especially children, caught up in current conflicts;
for refugees and all those in need of aid and other help.
God of encouragement
and Saviour of the despairing,
comfort those who remember past sacrifices
and guide us in building
a just and peaceful community for all.



Dear Parents & Caregivers,

Over the last week, many of our students have had opportunities to attend off-site excursions. I am very pleased to report that the behaviour on all of these occasions has been excellent and that the teaching staff is very proud of all of the children.


Volunteers’ Thank You Morning Tea

Each year, St Matthew’s staff invite all of our wonderful volunteers in for a thank you morning tea. This year this will be celebrated at 10:45am on Tuesday, November 23. Please keep an eye on your emails for your invitation.


Play Area Rosters Survey

In the past, different classes have been rostered on to different play areas during break times. This term, however, we have trialled removing our Play Area Rosters to allow children to freely choose where they would like to play.

Over the last few weeks, I have surveyed a random selection of students from Yrs 1 – 6 to ascertain how they felt about the rule change. Some of the results were as follows:

Favourite place to play – Big Oval 63%
Safest place – Everywhere 39%; Library 37%; Big Oval 29%
Unsafe places – No where 37%; Big Oval 36%
Continue with no play areas – 73%
Other desired/possible play items – tennis, skipping ropes, footy goals

In response to this survey, and based on feedback from the staff, we have decided to continue to allow the children to choose where they play. This allows them to play with different year levels and to choose the activities that best suit their playing style.


Congratulations Gibney!

Gibney students have reached their major faction award. This is achieved by children earning Ping Pong points for positive behaviours. This Wednesday (17/11) students in Gibney may wear free dress to school. Well Done!!


Principal KINDNESS award

On Monday mornings, I present the Principal’s Award for Kindness. Children are able to nominate each other for this award during the week. This week, the award went to Justin (Yr 4) and Vinnie (Year 5).


Staffing 2022

Staffing for 2022 will be announced in the Week 8 newsletter.

Principal Focus – Birthday Treats

Birthdays are such a special time and we love to celebrate them at school with our students. Many teachers have their own traditions from big birthday buttons to special birthday hats. 

As most parents are aware, it is very common for parents to bring in cupcakes, ice creams or other treats to share with their child’s class on their child’s birthday.  Although classroom teachers are happy to distribute these birthday goodies at a suitable, non-disruptive time, we do ask parents to:

  • Provide treats that do not need to be sliced
  • Ensure that the size of the treat is age-appropriate, for example a small cupcake.
  • Do not supply lolly bags – these will not be distributed
  • Ensure all treats are nut-free

As teachers, we are naturally aware that many children have reasons for not accepting food offered at school. These reasons include food intolerances, allergies, dislikes, religious practices or phobias. If this applies to your child, or you would simply prefer your child not to have the occasional treat at school, please ensure you inform the classroom teacher. 

Finally, it is important to realise that there is completely no expectation on parents to supply birthday treats. This is completely free choice.

Happy unbirthday 🙂

Susan Milton

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