St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

Principal News – Term 3, Week 6

Principal News – Term 3, Week 6

  • Book Week
  • Tickets for Alice in Wonderland, Jnr
  • Athletic Carnivals Next Week
  • Athletics Carnival Lunch Orders
  • Congratulations Gibney!!
  • Principal Focus – Read Read Read
Principal News – Term 3, Week 4

Principal News – Term 3, Week 4

  • Thank you – Australian Primary Principal Day
  • Teacher Leave
  • Thank you Ms Hart
  • Book Week 2020
  • Principal Focus – Eyes & Ears
Principal News – Term 3, Week 1

Principal News – Term 3, Week 1

  • Busy Bee Thank You
  • Sacramental Workshops
  • Kiss and Drop
  • Play Cafe Launch
  • 2020 Australian Maths Competition
  • Headlice Information Sessions
  • Keeping Safe Information Session
  • Uniform Stocktake Sale
  • Principal Focus
Principal News – Term 2, Week 10

Principal News – Term 2, Week 10

  • Electronic School Communication
  • First Day Term 3
  • PJ Day
  • Kiss and Drop Term 3
  • 2020 Australian Mathematics Competition
  • Headlice
  • Test Books Home Today
  • Principal Focus – Being Cybersafe & Cybersmart
Principal News – Term 2, Week 6

Principal News – Term 2, Week 6

  • Kindy and Pre-Primary
  • National Reconciliation Week
  • Winter Carnival
  • COVID-19 School Response
  • Winter Appeal PJ Day
  • Semester One Reports
  • P&F Vacancy
  • Principal Focus – The Power of Words
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