St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

Simultaneous Story Time

On Wednesday 22 May, our Kindy to Year 2 classes joined other community groups to attend Simultaneous Storytime hosted by the Narrogin Library. The event was held at the Memorial Park, with music and rhymes as everyone arrived and Nelly Numbat on hand to welcome the kids. At 10:00am, the story “Bowerbird Blues” was simultaneously read with the other libraries around Australia. This was followed by a short scavenger hunt and craft activities.


Play Cafe

Mrs Graham has been thrilled with the number of little people who have enjoyed Play Cafe so far this term. It has been so lovely to see our parents and children enjoying this pre-kindy experience. Interested parents are asked to please book their place each week as we have a waiting list and would like to be able to involve as many families as possible.

New Kindy/Pre-Primary Play Area

It has been so wonderful to see our gorgeous Kindy and Pre-Primary students enjoying their new play area. From peddling around on their tricycles and scooters to baking in the mud kitchen and sliding down the slide, the children have embraced all the new features of this area. We would also like to thank the Annear family for providing a music wall and the Narrogin Agricultural College for completing the sensory path. The generous donation from the P&F must also be acknowledged. Thank you to all of our volunteers who helped make this happen.

Wear Orange Wednesday (WOW Day) on 22 May

St Matthew’s School welcomed the opportunity to engage with and support the local SES volunteers through the celebration of Wear Orange Wednesday (WOW Day) on 22 May 2024.

WOW Day is an event across Australia, dedicated to acknowledging and thanking SES volunteers for their unwavering commitment and assistance during flood, storm, and various emergency situations. It’s a day when the nation dons orange attire as a symbol of gratitude and support for these individuals.

To make this year’s WOW Day impactful, students were invited to wear orange last Wednesday. This initiative aims to not only spread awareness about the vital work of SES volunteers, but also to foster a sense of community and civic responsibility among our students.

Additionally, SES volunteers  presented an interactive showcase for Year 2 and Year 3 students. This introduced these children to what SES do, the importance of being prepared for emergencies, and how we serve and protect our communities for some of our classes. We thank all of the presenters for providing our students with this fun and informative presentation.

Art Awards

The Art Award for Week 6 went to Sophie (Yr 1) for her colourful cactus. Congratulations, Sophie!


Honour Certificates

Congratulations to all our Honour Certificate recipients. We are very proud of you.



Community News

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WA College of Agriculture









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