St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

NAIDOC Week – Ross Storey

Last week, St Matthew’s School celebrated NAIDOC Week. NAIDOC Week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In conjunction with fabulous in-class activities, our students were fortunate to have Mr Ross Storey (Red Ochre Dreaming Tours) visit us on Thursday, 20 July . Mr Storey shared with all students from Pre-Primary to Year 6 the history, significance and construction of didgeridoos. He also taught us how dance is used to tell stories. We had a wonderful time learning the kangaroo dance and being painted with traditional paints. We thank Mr Storey for visiting us and sharing with us his wisdom and talent.



NAIDOC Week – Shooting Stars

As part of our NAIDOC celebrations, we also had the Narrogin Senior High School Shooting Stars Year 8 Health and Wellbeing class visit us on Friday, 21 July. The girls lead us in various activities including netball drills and face painting. We thank all of our Shooting Stars visitors and hope they will come back soon.

Miss Rutter’s Exciting News

The beautiful Miss Rutter shared some very exciting news with the Year One class last week – she is engaged! To help celebrate this lovely event, the Year One’s were all given “diamond” rings. I know you all join with me in congratulating Bri on this very exciting news.

Principal Teaches Kids Leadership by Holly Ord

School has just started! Children in St Matthew’s School Year 5 class have been learning about leadership.  They decided to ask a real leader, Mrs Milton. They asked her about her responsibilities. She said, “I have lots of jobs, like looking after the school and trying to find things children like.”

She also stated “The kids want swings, but we have to read the laws and there isn’t enough space.”

Maybe there might be swings in the future anyway! 


Art Awards

The Art Award for Week 10 went to Lawson (Yr 2) for his awesome picture of Uluru.  Congratulations, Lawson.

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