St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

First Holy Communion

Last  Sunday, June 11, 12 children celebrated their First Holy Communion at St Matthew’s Parish. This is such an important time when the communicants receive Jesus in the most special way for the first time. They have been preparing for this day with the help of their parents, Father Abraham and their teachers. May they take the friendship of Jesus with them wherever they go in their lives.

May God’s blessings be with the 2023 Communicants: Brody, Angelina, Mercy, Jackson, Mia, Ellice, Gianni, Zander and Lola.


St Matthew’s School Written by Sofia (Yr 5 )

St Matthew’s School

Is never cruel

God always inspires us

We are curious Catholics that always keep our trust.

St Matthew’s School is never cruel, we are kind to everyone we see

Everyone goes home full of glee.

There is always someone there for you

Because everyone here is stuck like glue!


Look after the trees, they have feelings too

We all care for them just like we care for you.

The teachers here will make you feel great,

They help you at every rate

So search up St Matthew’s School

Because everyone here is never cruel!



Neurodiversity Parent Information Session

I would like to sincerely thank all of the parents and staff who attended the parent information session on 1 June. I would also like to thank our amazing presenters who willingly gave up their time to help us learn more about neurodiversity. 

Community News

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