St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin


Interschool Swimming Carnival

The re-scheduled Interschool Swimming Carnival was held on Friday 5 May at the Narrogin YMCA Leisure Centre. Congratulations to all of our wonderful swimmers. We won both the overall and the Handicap Shield. A big thank you to Mr Muto for helping to coordinate the event.

Lawrence Yr 3 Runner-Up Champion
Maggie Yr 3 Champion
Morgan Yr 4 Champion
Indie Yr 6 Runner-Up Champion
Louis Yr 6 Champion


Chess Club

St Matt’s Chess Club kicked off last week for boys and girls of all ages and will continue every Wednesday in the library at lunch.



Students from Years 4 to 6  volunteer to be part of our MiniVinnies Group. They pledge to share their gifts and time with other people in a special way. They strive to make a difference in the lives of the other people through the Gospel values and maintaining a compassionate understanding towards our community both locally and globally.​

Our MiniVinnies group meet with Sr Sahaya every Wednesday to share ideas on how they can spread kindness in our community. So far this year they have presented Easter Hampers to needy families and visited Karinya Aged Hostel for Mothers’ Day. A huge thank you to Sr Sahaya for organising our beautiful kids and to all the families who donated items for the hampers.


Art Award

At each assembly, our Arts Ministry present an award for inspiring, artistic and creative pieces of art. This week’s recipient was Matthew Ge in Yr 6. Congratulations, Matthew – gorgeous!

Honour Certificate

Congratulations to all our Honour Certificate recipients. We are very proud of you.

Community News

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