St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

School Vision


St Matthew’s School empowers children to embrace life-long learning, and grow and develop as God intends.

Dear Parents & Carers,

A warm welcome back to all our staff, students, and their families. It has been lovely seeing parents on-site again and visiting the front office as we head back to a sense of normality. The further easing of restrictions saw a removal of a mask mandate last Friday, and this was greeted with delight and cheers from our Year 3-6 classes. Masks still may be required in some cases, so students are still encouraged to keep one in their school bags.

We warmly welcome parents back on-site and into classrooms. As key supporters, the needs of your children are best served when the school and home operate as a partnership. School offers a sense of routine, structure, and familiarity, which is essential to student growth, not just academically, but socially and emotionally. Students thrive when given opportunities to collaborate, problem-solve and create solutions. There are also opportunities to fail, to learn from failure, and improve. This is all normal, healthy, and necessary as students navigate the complexities of childhood.

While the last two years have been challenging to say the least, now look forward to the future with hope and optimism.


Thank you for your patience as we introduce some minor changes to uniform. To help clarify these changes, a sheet with pictures and explanations is attached to this newsletter. Please visit or call the front office if you require any uniforms. We also have a range of second-hand uniforms in the uniform shop, and these can be purchased for a gold coin donation.

Farewell Fr Geoff

This Thursday, staff will farewell Fr Geoff Aldous who has been filling in for Fr Jay as he visits family in India for his Long-Service Leave. Fr Geoff has been a charismatic figure in our Parish and School over the past 3 months and his warm and friendly approach has appealed to students and staff alike. You may have seen Fr Geoff exploring Narrogin on his bicycle, conducting Mass for our Year 3 and 4 students, and assisting in our Easter Service. Fr Geoff now moves to St Joseph’s in Northam, and we welcome back Fr Jay next week.

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