St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

Chicken Pen SOS

We need some clever, clever people to help design and build our chicken pen.
Can you help????

As part of our commitment to reducing our waste footprint and teaching our students about sustainability, St Matthew’s will be adopting some chickens next term. We would love to build the chicken pen this term. The run will go alongside and behind the sports sheds. We now need some handy and talented parents to project manage this masterpiece.

If you think you can help, either by donating materials, designing the run, building the structure or building the laying boxes, please email or speak with your classroom teacher.

Open Day

St Matthew’s held an Open Day on Wednesday 3 November. This coincided with the Year 3 and Year 4 STEM Showcase. We were thrilled to welcome many parents, grandparents and community members to visit our classrooms and join in learning activities. 

Year 6 Assembly

Last Friday, we were all delighted to watch the final assembly for our amazing Year 6 students. They educated us about different persuasive techniques and then entertained us with a very amusing reenactment of a Roald Dahl Revolting Rhyme based on Snow White.

Vi Barham award

Congratulations to Isabella Corrales (Year 6) who represented St Matthews and made the top 10 of the annual Vi Barham award. Isabella attended the award luncheon last Friday, and received a special plate shield, as well as $100 prize money. Well done, Bella.

Remembrance Day 

St Matthew’s Year 4, 5 and 6 students attended the Narrogin Remembrance Day Service last Thursday. Year 6 students Pippa and Jaxon  spoke of what Remembrance Day means to them and Maleah (Communication Captain) and Denice (Service Captain) presented a wreath on behalf of St Matthew’s School. Lest we forget.

St Patrick’s School Hosts Successful STEM Showcase

Mark Collins

On Wednesday 10 November, St Patrick’s School in Katanning hosted St Matthew’s School, St Bernard’s School and St Joseph’s College in a STEM showcase to celebrate the students’ learning in this area. Students presented their projects to their peers from the other schools over a period of approximately one and a half hours. Staff from CEWA assisted with running the day, including Executive Director, Mrs Debra Sayce. The CEWA staff were responsible for selecting a winner in the various categories. Categories included: Making Jesus Real, Entrepreneurship, Technology, Wellbeing, Sustainability, Environment, Community and Engagement, and Creativity/Innovation.

Students had information booklets outlining where various projects were located around St Patrick’s School. When viewing the different projects they asked the students various questions, and on their reflection sheets wrote down how the various projects brought about a positive change.

There were approximately 60 projects to view around the school. St Matthew’s had two category winners. Sam and Pia’s Happiness wheel won for the Wellbeing category. The STOP – Be Kind stop motion project created by Hamish, Zein, Holly, Mia and Sarah won the Making Jesus Real category.

The students were wonderfully prepared by Mrs Dyke and Mrs Maartens, and they represented St Matthew’s School beautifully. The day finished with a trip to the Katanning All Ages Playground which the students thoroughly enjoyed. Everyone is looking forward to using their new found knowledge in the important STEM learning area, and making the showcase bigger and better in 2022!

Honour Certificates

Congratulations to all our Honour Certificate recipients. We are very proud of you.


Art Award

Congratulations to Emily (Year 4) for receiving the Art Award for her lovely turtle painting. Beautiful!

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