St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

Year 6 Buddies

St Matthew’s School has a strong buddy program between classes allowing for younger students to develop strong relationships with their older peers.

Earlier this term our Year 6 leaders spent time with their Year 1 buddies helping them read and access ICT.


Honour Certificates

Congratulations to all our Honour Certificate recipients. We are very proud of you.


Lucky Choir!

On 25 February, the St Matthew’s School Choir students were treated to a workshop led by renowned director Su-Lyn Chong and joined by Hale School students. The workshops involved a variety of singing exercises and rehearsals, and concluded with a public performance. Pop onto the St Matthew’s Facebook page to see and hear a little bit of the musical fun.


School Band

Congratulations to all of the children who auditioned for the School Band. The following children are invited to join the band for 2021:

  • Louis (Yr 4) – vocals
  • A.J (Yr 5) – guitar
  • Ved (Yr 5) – drums
  • Bella (Yr 6) – vocals
  • Zoe (Yr 6) – keys
  • Nonte (Yr 6) – vocals
  • Mia F (Yr 5) – keys
  • Delilah (Yr 6) – guitar

Rehearsals are on Wednesday afternoons during our ‘Groups’ time period. We hope all of the children enjoy this experience and can’t wait to hear what they produce.

Project Compassion

As we begin the season of Lent, we are encouraged to think of those who are less fortunate than us. Project Compassion boxes will  be sent home and families and kids are encouraged to donate to Caritas. Our combined efforts as a school help people both here in Australia and overseas in extreme poverty and support charitable programs seeking to make a difference. Please give generously.

A note from the School Health Nurse –  Lana Grzinic

Why ear health?

Middle ear infections left untreated can lead to hearing loss which can affect a child’s ability to develop socially, academically and emotionally.

Signs/ symptoms of a sore ear

  1.   Any of these symptoms please see a Doctor, nurse or health care worker.
  • Cold
  • Runny ear
  • Fever
  • Pulling at their ears
  • Diarrhea and vomiting
  1.   Sometimes the only symptom may be
  • Reduced hearing


Please don’t leave it till it’s too late…. Hearing loss lasts a lifetime, and can be treated if caught early


How you can help to take care of your ears.

Blow your nose to keep it clear – put your tissues in the bin.

Eat fruit and vegetables – they help your muscles around your ears keep strong, and keep you healthy and strong


Keeping ears clean

Ears produce wax (called cerumen) for protection. Wax and tiny hairs inside the ear canal prevent small objects getting down inside the ear. The natural movement of old skin, wax and dirt away from the eardrum toward the outer end of the ear canal is the ear’s way of cleaning itself. So all you need to do to clean ears is to wipe around the outside of the ear with a damp cloth regularly. If a build-up of wax blocks the ear canal, special ear drops available from a chemist may soften the wax. Sometimes a visit to a GP may be necessary in order to physically remove the blockage.


The old saying that you should never put anything in your ear smaller than your elbow is true! That’s because placing anything into the ear has the potential to cause damage.


If something does become lodged in the ear, seek expert advice about having it removed. Never attempt to remove it yourself.

Art Award

Congratulations to Seth (Year 1) and Xavier (Year 4) for receiving the Art Award for their amazing creations. Very impressive!

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