St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin


Last Sunday, 7 students celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation at St Matthew’s Church. Supported by their families and the Parish community, Rhys, Angus, Maddison, Rhyan, Angelina, Riley, and Lucas were confirmed.  Fr Tony Chiera was our celebrant for this very special service. We would like to congratulate these students as they continue their faith journey, and wish them well for the future.

Mr Mark Tenney
Yr 6 Teacher

Interschool Athletics

A fantastic display of speed, skill and sportsmanship was on display for the Narrogin District Interschool carnival on Tuesday and Friday of Week 2.

St Matthew’s School was represented by a team of 54 athletes who left everything on the track and came away with 2nd overall and 1st in the handicap. There were many ribbons won for individual events but most of the points that St Matthew’s scored were from their exceptional team games and relays; a true testimony for their ability to work together.

Special thanks to East Narrogin for the coordination of such a successful day.

Congratulations to the following individuals who were awarded medallions on the day:

Blake (Year 1), Oscar (Year 1), Mia (Year 1), Iyana (Year 2), Chelsea Richards (Year 2), Uzoma (Year 2), Hamish (Year 2), Evan (Year 3), Matthew (Year 3), Ifoema(Year 4), Dylan (Year 5) and Bailey Perkins (Year 6).

Mrs Linda Kilpatrick

Physical Education Specialist

Cricket Carnival – We Need Your Help

This year the interschool cricket carnival, for Years 4-6, will be held on Friday 27th November. All students will be placed into a team of 8 and we are looking for parent volunteers to help manage a team for the day. If this is something that you would like to do, please contact Mrs Kilpatrick at school by phone or email.


Year 2 Assembly

Our beautiful Year 2’s educated and entertained us on Friday with their very artistic assembly. Thank you to all of the family and friends that came to celebrate with the class. I hope you were able to take the time to view their beautiful creations. Well done, Year 2 and Miss Boyer.

Art Award

The Art Award for Week 4 went to Ekam for a very colourful frog. Congratulations Ekam – very impressive!

Honour Certificates

Congratulations to all of our Honour Certificate recipients. We are very proud of you.

Year 4 Excursion

Year 4 visited the Narrogin Shire Offices on Friday, and learnt about how a local town council works. The students were involved in a mock scenario where they had to discuss bringing in a new rule about dog ownership in the town.




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