St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

Pre-Primary Learning


This week, the Pre-Primaries learnt about ANZAC day. We made some beautiful red poppies and ate delicious ANZAC biscuits. We have also been learning about money. We played money bingo and went on a money “I spy”. In Health, we are learning about fire safety. We made firefighter hats and pretended to be firefighters. We are getting really good at washing our hands thoroughly.

Adele Maartens, Pre-Primary Teacher


Term Two Assemblies

We are bravely planning to conduct our first online assembly on Friday 15 May at 9:00am. We will provide more information on how this can be accessed at home, prior to this date.

Karinya Nursing Home

This week we were very excited to receive letters and parcels from Karinya residents. With Mothers’ Day being this weekend, I would like to invite families to send in letters or crafty creations to help celebrate this lovely day. Many of the residents will not be able to see their own children and grandchildren, so an extra envelope of happiness might help ease the loneliness that this may cause.

They’re Here!

I am proud to announce the safe arrival of several baby stick insects. They hatched on Saturday 2 May and have already taken their first steps. Happy Birthday!

Mrs Monique D’Álton

Science Teacher


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