St Matthew’s School Narrogin

St Matthew’s School Narrogin

School Vision

St Matthew’s School empowers children to embrace life-long learning and grow and develop as God intends.


First Week of Advent Prayer

Dear Jesus,
You are the hope in our messy world.
This Advent, help us slow down, listen to your voice, and focus on what’s really important. We place our hope in you as we prepare our hearts to celebrate your birth on Christmas.


Dear Parents and Carers

I would like to start this week’s newsletter by thanking all of our amazing parents who continue to support our beautiful school in so many ways. On December 11, we would love to invite all of you to attend our Volunteers’ Morning Tea. This is an opportunity for our staff to express their gratitude for the time that parents and volunteers spend helping us to empower our students to shine. Please keep an eye out for your invitation.


Annual Community Meeting

On Tuesday evening, we held our Annual Community Meeting in the Sister Isabel Library. At this meeting, our P&F and School Board presented their reports, and the staffing for the 2020 school year was announced.


PRINCIPAL: Mrs Susan Milton
ADMINISTRATION : Mrs Jen D’Arcy(Mon-Thurs)
Mrs Jenny Ong (Friday)
Mr Mark Collins
Pre-Kindergarten: Miss Ashleigh Evans (Friday am)
Kindergarten: Mrs Claire Graham
Pre-Primary: Mrs Di Prideaux / Mrs Adele Maartens
Year 1 Miss Ashleigh Evans/Friday am TBA
Year 2 TBA
Year 3 Mrs Jane Dyke / Mrs Monique DÁlton
Year 4 Mr Mark Collins / Mrs Jessie Allington
Year 5 Mr Ben Quartermaine
Year 6 Mr Mark Tenney/ Mrs Colleen Quartermaine
Music Mrs Fiona Hastie
Phys Ed. Mrs Linda Kilpatrick
Science/Languages Mrs Monique D’Alton
Kindergarten: Mrs Jodie Blyth
Pre-Primary: Sr Sahaya
Junior Primary: Mrs Meredith Beckwith
Special Needs: Mrs Bianca Annear
Support : Mrs Sascha Keppel
Farewell: Mrs Natalia Thomson
Miss Courtney Mowatt
Karen Evans will be on leave for 2020


We also acknowledged Pierre Maartens who is stepping down from the school board in 2020. He has been a very valued member of the board for several years. Thank you, Pierre for your dedication to our school. The School Board will elect office bearers for 2020 at first board meeting.

Congratulations to our P&F Committee for 2020:

President:             Tarli Cooper
Vice Principal:     Carmel McKenzie
Secretary:             Kirsty Nardini
Treasurer:              Mel Noakes

We would like to thank all of the wonderful parents who attended the meeting and joint the staff, P&F and School Board to celebrate all of St Matthew’s achievements this year.


Christmas Concert & BYO Picnic Dinner – 6pm Wednesday, 4 December

Our talented students have been practising for the St Matthew’s Christmas Concert this Wednesday evening. Parents and friends are invited to join us in the Sr Isabel Hall to welcome the festive season. All students from Pre-Primary to Year 6 will be performing in the concert. Students will need to be delivered to their classrooms by 5.45pm to prepare for their items. Following the concert, all families are invited to join the staff to enjoy a BYO picnic dinner. Please feel free to invite family and friends to celebrate with us at this joyous time of the year.


Semester Two Report

Semester Two Reports will go live on the Seqta Engage website on Tuesday 10 December. In order to access these reports, you will need to login to Seqta Engage. If you are new to St Matthew’s School, or have never used Seqta Engage before, you will receive an email asking you to set up a user name and password. For all other users, it is important that St Matthew’s has a current email address, and that you remember your Seqta Engage user name and password. It would be appreciated if all parents could login to Seqta Engage prior to 6 December to ensure that everyone is able to access the website. –

Please contact Susan Milton ( should you require a new password, or if you have any difficulties logging into this site.


Honour Certificates

Congratulations to all of our honour certificate recipients. We are very proud of you all.


Sr Cecily

It is with sadness that we farewell Sr Cecily today who will be heading to Perth. Sr Cecily has been a very valuable addition to the junior primary classrooms where she has volunteered several days a week. Sr Cecily, we thank you for your loving devotion to our school for the past year. We wish you well in your future endeavours and hope you will come and visit us often.


Swimming Lessons

This week, the Pre-primaries, Year 1’s and Year 2’s have been enjoying swimming lessons at the YMCA Leisure Centre. They have been working really hard to improve their water awareness, swimming skills and having a lot of fun trying to splash their teachers! Thank you to all of the parents who have been washing towels and rinsing bathers. An especially big thank you to the mums who have attended the lessons to assist in tying shoelaces and looking for lost socks – we really appreciate it. These lessons will continue for another week.


Pre-primary Assembly – Tewit tewoo!

The Pre-primaries were amazing this morning with their Tawny Owl and Christmas inspired assembly. They sang beautifully and many of us were very impressed by their confident speaking and reading. It was lovely to see how much our little people have grown in confidence and ability over this year. A big thank you to Mrs Prideaux and Mrs Maartens for preparing them so well. It would be remiss of me not to mention Mrs Prideaux’s cheeky Christmas song at the end – very funny! It is so lovely to see our close community sharing a light-hearted joke together.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Susan Milton
Assistant Principal

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